Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Gardening

hubby building my mini raised beds
little supervisor

     I cant tell peeps enough how rewarding gardening is!no matter how big or small, gardens are the best thing you can do! For me its all about edible gardens.mostly because I love to eat! There is nothing better than eating something you grew yourself! The joys of watching it grow n then ready to pick are just incredible! Its economical, therapeutic, and a great way to get kids involved! My little one loves it! shes a great little helper and then we have so much fun getting in the kitchen together and cooking with all our fresh picked goodies! I have a small space but we got creative and filled it with zucchini,peppers, tomatoes,strawberries, and herbs! and I'm pretty proud to share it with you. I hope you enjoy, I hope I have inspired you to get out there n start growing! Happy gardening =)

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