Monday, July 30, 2012

Date Night

This Sunday the hubby and I were able to get away for a bit n have our first date night. Just the two of us! really! no kids, no pregnant belly. I must admit it was pretty nice. Okay so it was more like date day, we left at 330 n were back at 630, but to us that's huge! I pumped milk for the littlest one and my sister bravely babysat them both! (We love her!) Nothing fancy smancy we walked through the  mall, had a cocktail =), and ate at the best Thai diner ever! Sometimes I am so busy looking after these two little ones I forget to take time to enjoy moments with the man who made this little life of mine a reality. So as you read this Hubba Hubby ; ) I hope you smile and know that I love you with all my heart and even when I am super stressed and talking crazy I am happier than I ever imagined I could be and I wouldn't trade this life with you for anything.

Sake anyone ?
one happy man...

pad thai. made me very happy =)

crunchy chicken deliciousness

tempura fried ice cream!

my sweet ending ..fried banana n coconut ice cream


  1. Aww! Glad you two had fun and got a chance to get out! I need a date night soon! I hope my husband and I will get to take a weekend getaway soon! I need a vacation lol!

    1. Thankyou!! N I hear you we all need to unwind sometimes .. You've been through a lot lately I hope you get some time with your hubby to relax!

  2. Hey beautiful this was a fun night with u to have my beautiful all to me felt so amazing I love u and thank u for making me the happiest man on earth may we always be one flesh muahzz!
