Thursday, June 14, 2012

Let them eat cupcakes!

My 11 year old niece Mya just got into town and joined our world of crazy. Jyselle is so excited to play with her and having an extra set of happy lil hands around is a huge help to me! Especially when the new bundle of joy comes Tuesday! Anywho I love her so much and have been waiting to make my favorite cupcake recipe with her! Red beet cupcakes from my favorite blog weelicious! Yes I said red BEET cupcakes! They are beautifully pink and 100% natural from the beets! Super healthy and I promise you super delicious! My sweet loving niece approved! They also are a ton of fun to make so I hope you give em a try! I added a link for the recipe, the only thing I changed was I used white whole wheat flour instead of regular for added nutrition. Happy cupcake to you! =)
sifting ingredients...
cracking eggs is serious business...

the beautiful pink batter thanx to our pureed beets...
I dont even know...
filling the cups =)...
cooling cupcakes....
making the frosting...
our cupcakes!!...
And This makes me happy =)

                                                   **linked for weekend potluck!!


  1. Oh I do love these! Pink is always fun & pretty. I adore ways of getting 'hidden' veggies into the family. Thanks so much for linking up at Weekend Potluck. Please come again soon.

    1. oh your welcome! Love sweets that have a healthy kick =) Loving the weekend potluck too! getting so much kitchen inspiration! thank you!
